#32. Rest of the herd 2
#32. Rest of the herd 2
Unofficial translations:

 Dun dun dunnn  Last edited: 3 Feb 07
Don't worry, there will be a funny page in a few months.

The RSS feed was recently ... replaced with a working one. So you might need to subscribe to it again. Or not. I don't know how that thing works.

-Latest addition-
Ok about the next update... It looks like it's gonna be pushed back for another week again.

I have no ideas (and DO NOT send me any). I mean, I know what's supposed to happen next, but just can't put it on the page in a amusing way. The next page is also supposed to be the first page of the GWTB Vol. 2 so I might do something weird with it.

After I get the next page or two done, the comic should settle with a nice steady uninterrupted weekly schelude... Untill otherwise stated.


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