Gone with the Blastwave is not a very serious comic. It is not being made very seriously, so you shouldn't try to take it, or my writings, too seriously.
Updates happen
on sundays, usually
2 or more weeks apart. During the first year I made 19 pages. So don't expect too much.
For the world of Blastwave I stole things from many post-apocalyptic and/or war movies, games, things. But nothing is a straight rip. Think of it as a somekind of a parody to those things. I'm in no way even trying to be original... other than with the jokes.
My name is
Kimmo Lemetti. I am Finnish. I live in Finland and I speak finnish. I was born on 9th of march 1987.
Gotmorr.com is my personal site. There you can find more non-blastwave related info about me and my art. Also that is the place to follow if you want to know what is going on in my life.
My contact
e-mail is
But make sure you read these info pages here and on my personal site before asking questions. And... I'm very lazy when it comes to replying to my mail. I read and appriciate it all, but only reply to the ones I think are important. If you think you had something important in your mail and didn't get a reply, just e-mail again.
Questions people have asked me more than once.Q: Why not update every week? why not update twice a day? Why is there so many hiatuses?
A: Sometimes I just get tired of the comic. And I do have more fun things to do with my free time.
Q: You frequently whine on the newsbox how you don't like to do this comic. Why do you continue?
A: I do like doing the comic. Just not as much as my readers would want me to.
Q: You're gonna lose all your readers when you don't update!1
A: My life does not exactly depend on their happiness. They are not prisoners either... free to come and go as they please. If they want more, they'll have to make it worth my while.
Q: What do you use to make your comic?
A: The comics are made 100% in Adobe Photoshop 7 with a Wacom tablet. No, I don't sketch them on paper first. All digital. I shall now redirect you to my
Frequently asked questions about my art.
Q: How long does it take to make one page?
A: My guess is around 10 hours. And that's just the drawing part.
Q: This seems like a
Red vs Blue ripoff. Is it?
A: The first page probably is. But that page was supposed to be a test page and when I made it, I didn't plan on making a real webcomic out of it. So I didn't think about the joke too much, and thus didn't notice the obvious similarity to how red vs blue starts. If I could go back, I would do it differently. And having colored armies fighting each other is a old old thing you've seen in many many games.
Q: Can I give you ideas for the comic?
A: No.
Q: Can I do a guest comic?
A: No. The possibility of you stealing my future ideas is just too great.
Q: Is there a backstory to the comic?
A: Yes. Yes there is. But I would rather reveal everything related to it in the comic if it is ever needed.
Q: You speak horrible english.
A: My native language (or whatever they call it) is finnish.
Q: What?
A: Exactly!
A little known fact: I'm not acutally a big fan of postapocalyptic and/or war concepts.