History of the comic.
Wrote this a while ago. Read if interested. Doesn't include any really important information.
Lets go to the beginning. 5th of january 2005.
No Point ends (my previous comic). I almost instantly start thinking about a next comic. I like doing comics afterall. I plan TGSA (other comic project that I might still do) for the whole spring. Then comes summer. I happen to speedpaint a picture of a guy in a gasmask, with a helmet that just doesn't make any sense... something you would probably see in some of the more stupid games...
holding a spoon.
I post this picture on deviantart. I get a comment like this:
"Ha ha, that's one of the coolest/funniest bits of randomness! If you ever had the time and patience (or desire) to make another webcomic, for some reason I could see a weird comic like this. Mix a little random humor like you're used to with military and aliens...Heh heh, classic hit."
As I had for a while meant to test how fast could I create a decent looking, full color, comic page... I decide to try this comic about war. Just to see how much it would hurt. I didn't think about it much. Just pretty much took the first idea that came to mind. This is probably why it's so similar to how Red vs Blue begins (didn't notice the striking similarity untill later). I was also thinking of making a comic about space marines, fighting in an alien infested space station. But as I coulnd't really draw faces, they would have to have helmets. But that would have meant that they would look like the guys from halo. So I just continued with blastwave because guys in gasmasks is a little less overused look.
Anyways, the creation of the page went quite painlessly. Had an idea for a another page. That appeared a day later. Even though I did do 2 pages, at this point I still had no plans to turn it into a real on going comic. It was just gonna be a funny addition to whatever else I was gonna use my newly purchased webspace for... So I made a silly website for it. A bit later the third page appeared... so did the fourth. The whole thing was still supposed to be just a... fun little thing. No future. It could fade away at any moment.
Then I had this idea (Looking back... it was a BRILLIANT idea). I have an account on
buzzcomix that I created for No Point. Let's just change the info to blastwave and see if it would appear on the top 100 list for one day if I told all the guys in IRC to vote. Well it climbed pretty high on the list. Got linked on
Post-Nuke and all. Even on
No Mutants Allowed. Now I suddendly had around 5000 people looking over my shoulder waiting for the next page. The fifth page appeared... And I think a month later the 6th page... I'm not a people person. I like to be by myself. Suddendly having few thousand people paying attention to what you do was terrifying.
Now it became clear that I couldn't do the comic the way I wanted to. "Just when I felt like it". People demanded more. People got hostile. I pretty much stopped the comic at this point. It was no fun. I was later talked back into it by the guy who gave me the idea for the 6th page. We call him "Aton G". He never wanted the credit, but without him blastwave wouldn't have continued.
Now its 1st of january 2006. I think it was 3 or 4 months since the last update. Blastwave returns with a update schelude. Every second week. Now people have specific dates to look foward to, effectively stopping most of the complaining. Also giving me enough time to make a comic and take time off of it so its not on my mind all the time. Later I offered "extra pages" on the "off weeks" if people donated. This was to get some cash for my trip to chicago to meet some of my internet friends (Some of you know that I cannot actually speak english; The trip went great). At first the donate thingy was "extra page for every 50 dollars donated". Then I raised it to 100 dollars because of the... amount of money I got.
After a while the comic dies again for a month or two. Wanted another break. Returned on june. On 2nd of july 2006 it had been a year since I started. 19 pages done.
After a few more months, I get a publishing deal. It was offered to me. I never liked blastwave enough to actually put effort in finding a publisher. So this worked out great. Also got a feature on the way more well known site
VGCats. That pretty much tripled my readership.
And that is where we are now I guess.
-added on 8 of june 2011-
And then I sold the movie rights to universal for 15 million and lived happily ever after.