
Explanations of random stuff from the comic.

Here I explain where some of the stuff in the comic comes from, and some stuff that isn't that apparent in the comic itself.

Technology level is between WW2 and now. Not futuristic.

The look of the soldiers
No, they are not based on the soldiers in the ps2 game Killzone. Nor the anime/manga Jin Roh. I never owned a ps2 so I never played the game, and saw the anime after starting blastwave.

The look of the soldiers is based on a memory of a WW2 painting that I saw in my school history book. The picture had a person with a helmet and gasmask in a robe walking through a battlefield with body parts and burnt trees.

I do know that the look of the characters in Killzone is based on WW2 equipment too so the similarity is not surprising.

The armies
There are 3 armies. Red, Blue and Yellow.

No real countries, no real armies. That's right, the Reds are not americans.

The Yellow army is almost entirely based on the Paladin tank in C&C; Generals. I know that doesn't seem to make any sense.

There has also been a Green army, but it was wiped out long before the timeline in the comic. Now it exsists in myths and legends.

Other stuff
Again. No real weapons in the comic.

Partly due to laziness. Mostly because I didn't want real weapons. I did look at real weapons for inspiration though.

Tanks are just... something.

The plane looks somewhat like that one plane in that game IL-2 sturmovik.

The car was a Lada.