If you want to translate blastwave into [language] you are free to do so.
But there is rules if you want them linked on the page:
1. You must provide a page for the translations. Just posting them in a blog doesn't cut it. It doesn't have to have a special theme or anything, but a page dedicated to the translations is necessary.
2. The page must have a very clear explanation that the pages are just translated and not made by you.
3. Must include a very easy to find link to the original page.
4. You cannot place a donation button on this page.
5. You cannot place the voting buttons on these pages because it is against the rules in many voting sites.
One example
If you find errors in other peoples translations, discuss it with them. I don't want to be a messenger.
Also discussion of the translations on
the forums is encouraged.
Also note that if official translations ever appear, you will most likely have to take the pages down.